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Easter With Fluffy

Easter is next Sunday! Many of us are looking forward to celebrating the spring holiday

<strong>The Nose Knows: Fido’s Cute Snoot</strong>

Did you know that your canine buddy has a unique nose print? Just like human

<strong>If Dogs Had Thumbs Day</strong>

March 3rd is a pretty fun pet holiday: it’s If Pets Had Thumbs Day! Our

<strong>Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day</strong>

February 23rd is Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day! Our canine patients would no doubt unanimously vote

Responsible Pet Ownership

February is Responsible Pet Ownership Month. Having a pet is a huge responsibility: when you

Tips For Playing With Your Cat

Cats are really fun and quirky pets. One thing that makes Fluffy such a joy

Resolutions For Dogs

Happy New Year! As we toss out our 2022 calendars and roll into 2023, many
Gray cat with a blue gift with red ribbons

Fluffy’s Holiday Agenda

Do you have a lot of things on your agenda for the coming weeks? Many
Brown hairy dog wearing a reindeer hat and a black cat wearing a santa hat

Holiday Pet Hazards

Seasons’ Greetings! The holiday season can be just as fun for pets as it is
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