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Things To Consider Before Fostering A Pet
June 1, 2023

June is Foster A Pet Month! Fostering can be extremely rewarding—if sometimes bittersweet—experience. If you’re an animal lover with a little spare time and some extra room, you may want to look into fostering. Here, a Houston Heights, TX vet lists some things to think about before taking the plunge.


Fostering may not be as expensive as adopting, but you’ll still need to provide essential items, such as food, toys, treats, and litter. Make sure you have the wiggle room in your bank account before signing on!


Fosters can come from all walks of life. Some may be very young kittens and puppies that need round-the-clock care, while others may have been rescued from bad situations. You’ll want to foster a pet that matches up with your skills and experience. (Note: If you are considering moving into an animal care field, fostering can provide valuable experience.)

Other Pets

One area where animals can vary drastically is when it comes to how well they do—or don’t—get along with other household pets. This of course goes both ways: if you have a scared or reactive dog, then fostering may not be a good fit.


Caring for pets can be very enriching, but it can also be time consuming. Fido may take a bigger bite out of your schedule than Fluffy, as he’ll need daily walks and may also need training. That said, this can be a great option for the tens of thousands of people who have transitioned into working from home.


You’ll also need to make sure that you have room for your foster. In many cases, fosters will need to be separated from other pets, even if it’s just for the first few days.


One of the biggest drawbacks of fostering is also its greatest reward: saying farewell. It’s not easy to let go of a pet you’ve cared for and gotten attached to. On the other hand, it’s also very fulfilling to see your furry friend going off to a great forever home. Think long and hard about this one. Some people do find that they get too emotionally invested in their furry wards. That’s purrfectly fine! Volunteering is also a great option. Every little bit of help counts!

Do you have questions about your pet’s health or care? Contact us, your Houston Heights, TX animal clinic!